Pros and cons of surgery

What are the pros and cons of Weight Loss Surgery?

Every major decision in life involves weighing up the pros and cons. We've weighed up the major considerations with regards to weight loss surgery for you.

 The 'Pros'

The 'Cons'

More effective vs other treatments for obesity with respect to:
a) losing weight
b) improving life expectancy
c) iimproving obesity associated illnesses such as Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnoea, high cholesterol, arthritis, acid reflux and infertility


Weightloss surgery is a major decision which:
a) carries the risks of surgery and anaesthesia
b) requires several weeks of post operative recovery
c) requires a hospital stay



Surgery encourages more people to adopt a healthier lifestyle by:
a) restricting portion size to some degree
b) promoting low calorie, nutritious foods
b) allowing more sustained, regular exercise


Surgery requires some major lifestyle changes to be successful:
This includes a complete change in eating behaviour, which often works best of the whole household adopts the changes


Losing weight makes people:
a) feel better about themselves
b) socialise more
c) generally be more active

Massive weight loss can lead to sagging folds of excess skin:
This may be correctable with plastic surgery but this carries further risks and expense


These things have different significance for different people. At Weight Loss Surgery Scotland we are happy to discuss them in detail and help you come to a decision about whether or not to proceed.