Keeping active is an important part of everyday life, whether you want to simply keep healthy, lose a bit of weight, or whether it forms part of your weight loss surgery treatment plan. NHS Health Scotland provides guidance on how much exercise we should all be doing to keep fit and healthy. If you have had weight loss surgery with us, or are planning to do so, you will receive expert guidance from our team on what activity you should be doing. Keeping or becoming active is an excellent part of preparation for any type of surgery; graduated activity/ exercise following surgery is important too. It is important to remember that weight loss surgery affects core abdominal muscles in the immediate post-operative period and therefore any type of activity affecting core tissues should be carefully undertaken and graduated up to a level that you are comfortable with (especially if you are new to exercise). Regular activity assists with weight loss (and ultimately weight maintenance) together with modifying appetite and addressing the issue of skin laxity. Activity should always be at your own pace; exercise of any kind is not recommended until 10-14 days following surgery.
We do however follow the principles NHS Health Scotland's guidance closely:
How much exercise should I do?
The main recommendation for physical activity is:
30 minutes of moderate [aerobic, or ‘cardio’] physical activity on at least five days a week for adults. Activities may include: [increasingly] brisk walking, gentle cycling [level ground], golfing or swimming, water aerobics, easy yoga or doubles tennis. In addition, gardening and housework make good starter activities.
How do I know if I am performing activity at the correct intensity?
You should be aware of an increasing heart rate, breathing becomes more obvious and you should feel warmer. You should still be able to talk [without gasping] while you are walking.
Is it useful to increase the level of activity?
For the most part, regular activity of any kind is valuable. However, should you want to increase the pace and intensity then you can move to a more vigorous level when you think is appropriate. During the weight loss process, it is important to maintain lean tissue [muscle mass]; activity focusing on more resistance may assist this process [ask your dietitian for appropriate advice].